Your doctor will carry out your procedure under Conscious Sedation. This is when you are given medicine which makes you drowsy, reduces any anxiety and relieves any pain which you might perhaps otherwise experience during the procedure. You will still be awake (but drowsy) and in control, and able to talk to your doctor. An advantage of some of the medicines is that you may not be able to remember the procedure, although you will remember everything before being given the medicine and after it has worn off. To cause conscious sedation, you will usually be given one or more medicines, usually by injection, but sometimes by other means. You will be carefully monitored by a nurse, using various instruments during the entire procedure. |
Before the procedure Make sure you understand and carefully follow any instructions given to you by your doctor. Generally:
During the procedure
After the procedure
You may drink any fluids (other than alcohol), and eat half an hour after the procedure. If you have any questions, please ask your doctor. |
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