The purposes for which SAGES is formed are as follows:
- To promote an interest in and the study of digestive diseases and abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system, liver, bile ducts and pancreas (here and after collectively called "Gastroenterology").
- To serve as the leading authority and major voice in Gastroenterology and to effectively disseminate knowledge of the science and practice of gastroenterology and closely related fields (medical, surgical and scientific) through continuing education initiatives (eg. congresses and continuing professional development) and the provision and endorsement of appropriate guidelines for the practice of Gastroenterology.
- To foster development of well-trained, competent gastroenterologists to support health, research and teaching.
- To represent the interests of the Society's members, both in public and private health sectors, either directly or via establishment of affiliated special interest groups, with relevant role players in public and private health care structures.
- To make contact and establish links with societies and organisations with similar interests, specifically in regional co-operation.
- To recognise and commit to serve the diverse constituencies that make up the membership of the Society.
- To ensure relevance to its members by regular review of its activities.
- To facilitate the inclusion of Previously Disadvantaged Groups (PDGs) in the conduct and administration of Gastroenterology in South Africa.
- To pursue any other lawful activity that may be authorized by the Society's Governing Council.