How do dietary patterns influence inflammatory bowel disease?
The prevalence of IBD, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, is increasing globally, but its etiology is less understood. Among others, dietary patterns have received the most attention as an environmental factor related to the occurrence of IBD. Several recent studies have shown that high sugar, high fat, high salt and low fiber diets increase the risk of IBD.
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Magnetic-controlled capsule endoscopy performance in aging patients
BMC Gastroenterology
The increasing elderly population and wide use of magnetic capsule endoscopy have led to more attention to elderly patients.
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Application of artificial intelligence in endoscopic image analysis for the diagnosis of a gastric cancer pathogen-Helicobacter pylori infection
Scientific Reports
Helicobacter pylori infection is the principal cause of chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers and gastric cancer. In clinical practice, diagnosis of H. pylori infection by a gastroenterologists' impression of endoscopic images is inaccurate and cannot be used for the management of gastrointestinal diseases.
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Urgency strongly predicts inflammation in IBD patients
Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News
Patients who have ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease often report symptoms without showing endoscopic evidence of the disease, and their providers struggle to make sense of the disparity. In a new study, investigators used fecal calprotectin levels to assess symptoms most associated with disease activity.
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A multidisciplinary approach may 'unlock the solution' for treating complex GI cases
For those with inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, there is increasing recognition of the importance of diet and behavioral therapy as adjunctive treatments. Medication alone is often not the complete answer.
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New AI modules boost polyp segmentation in colonoscopy imagery
Researchers have developed a pair of modules that gives a boost to the use of artificial neural networks to identify potentially cancerous growths in colonoscopy imagery, traditionally plagued by image noise resulting from the colonoscopy insertion and rotation process itself.
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'One and done' screening approach for Barrett esophagus may not be enough
When it comes to screening for Barrett esophagus, David Johnson, professor of medicine and chief of gastroenterology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, has always practiced with a "one and done" strategy. The only exception to this approach is if it's suspect that a patient may have erosive esophagitis, which prompts Johnson to go back and ensure there's nothing hidden under the erosive change.
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Sugary drinks tied to higher liver cancer risk in women
MedPage Today
Regularly drinking sugar-sweetened beverages was associated with a significantly increased incidence of liver cancer and death from chronic liver disease, according to a prospective cohort study involving nearly 100,000 postmenopausal women.
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Colectomies 'infrequent' in patients with moderate to severe UC receiving tofacitinib
All patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis in the tofacitinib OCTAVE UC clinical program who underwent colectomy had prior tumor necrosis factor inhibitor failure and most had additional risk factors, according to analysis.
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Female CRC survivors may experience long-term GI symptoms
n this cross-sectional study, investigators used data from the Women's Health Initiative Life and Longevity After Cancer study to explore the impact of cancer treatments on persistent GI symptoms in long-term female CRC survivors and why some patients suffer from these symptoms.
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When: August 29-September 1, 2023
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Organizer(s): ALEH
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26th IFSO World Congress 2023
When: August 30-September 1, 2023
Location: Naples, Italy
Organizer(s): IFSO
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Congreso Argentino de Gastroenterologia y Endoscopia Digestiva 2023
When: September 7-9, 2023
Location: Guatemala City, Guatemala
Organizer(s): MAsociación Guatemalteca de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Endoscopia Gastrointestinal
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Congreso Nacional de GUATEGASTRO 2023
When: September 7-9, 2023
Location: Guatemala City, Guatemala
Organizer(s): Asociación Guatemalteca de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Endoscopia Gastrointestinal
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Annual Meeting SGG-SGVC-SASL and SVEP 2023
When: September 12-15, 2023
Location: Interlaken, Switzerland
Organizer(s): Swiss Society of Gastroenterology
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