Welcome to WGO's first edition of 'News You Can Use'

assa sages







Why blood tests could be the future of colorectal cancer screening
Becker's GI & Endoscopy
Blood-based biomarker tests for colorectal cancer could soon be cleared by U.S. regulators, opening the doors to a new, more convenient way to screen for the disease, according to a Medscape article. Read More

New imaging technique for effective therapy in Crohn's disease
Medical University of Vienna via Medical Xpress
Patients suffering from Crohn's disease develop painful constrictions in the bowel. Due to a lack of methods until now, these complications cannot be characterized with sufficient precision to initiate targeted treatment. An interdisciplinary research group at MedUni Vienna has investigated a new imaging technique that can improve the treatment of intestinal strictures. Read More

Impact of AI on the future of patient care
Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News
As artificial intelligence continues to advance and reshape healthcare in many ways, it is crucial that healthcare professionals take a proactive approach to guide patients toward trustworthy and reliable AI solutions, stressed Ryan Stidham, MD, MS, in a keynote lecture at the 2023 Crohn's and Colitis Congress. While he emphasized the potential benefits of AI in patient care, he also highlighted the need for preparation and vigilance in its implementation. Read More

Multidisciplinary decision making in advanced HCC: A hepatologist's perspective
Physican's Weekly
Along with the latest guidelines from the NCCN and ASCO, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases — in a guidance document due for publication in 2023 — strongly recommends multidisciplinary evaluation of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, according to Amit Singal, MD, MS, FAASLD, who worked on the guidance. Read More

Global epidemiology of cirrhosis — aetiology, trends and predictions
Cirrhosis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in people with chronic liver disease worldwide. In 2019, cirrhosis was associated with 2.4% of global deaths. Owing to the rising prevalence of obesity and increased alcohol consumption on the one hand, and improvements in the management of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infections on the other, the epidemiology and burden of cirrhosis are changing. Read More

A nurse-led outpatient clinic for patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis
Gastroenterology Nursing
Patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis constitute a growing and vulnerable patient group with a particular need for easy outpatient access and close follow-up. By establishing a nurse-led clinic, we aimed to counter this need in a patient-centered manner within a multidisciplinary rehabilitating framework. Read More

Researchers announce findings from landmark clinical trial for pediatric Crohn's disease
University of North Carolina Health Care via Medical Xpress
A significant clinical trial under the direction of Michael Kappelman, M.D., MPH, professor of pediatrics at UNC School of Medicine, found that patients receiving the tumor necrosis factor inhibitor adalimumab combined with a low dose of methotrexate, a second immunosuppressant, did better than those treated with adalimumab alone. Read More

Subcutaneous inliximab could 'transform' how patients with IBD navigate care
Subcutaneous infliximab achieved greater clinical remission and endoscopic response rates compared with placebo in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and has potential to become a more convenient, "patient-centric" treatment option. Read More


Colorectal Cancer in Africa Symposium)
When: April 24-27, 2023
Location: The Sojourner by Genesis Hotel — Lagos, Nigeria
Organizer(s): WGO Training Center — Lagos
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Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2023
When: May 6-9, 2023
Location: Location: Chicago, Illinois
Organizer(s): Organizer(s): DDW
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Indonesian Digestive Disease Week (IDDW) 2023
When: May 9-13, 2023
Location: Indonesia
Organizer(s): Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology